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Products > Other Materials > > ATO powder
ATO powder
Product name : ATO powder
Product No. : 202199132011
Material : SnO2/Sb2O3
Size : 7-15nm
Density(g/cm3) : Bulk density: ≤ 1.0; Tap density: ≤ 1.5
Refractive Index : 
Form : Bluish Grey powder
Purity : 4N
Application : ATO target; conducting material
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ATO (antimony tin oxide) nano ultrafine particle powder has non resistive transparent conductivity in the semiconductor field. It can be applied to various glasses, plastics and resins to play the role of transparency, conductivity, anti-static radiation, UV and infrared isolation.
Nano antimony tin oxide powder (ATO)
Specific surface area: 50-86m2 / g
Composition: SnO2: Sb2O3 = 90:10 or others
Specific gravity: about 0.81g/cm
Tap density: 2.0 g / cm
Specific resistance: 30 Ω.Cm
Insoluble in water and general solvents
Packing: 25kg / barrel

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