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Products > Optical Elements > Crystals > Monocrystalline Silicon Crystal
Monocrystalline Silicon Crystal
Product name : Monocrystalline Silicon Crystal
Product No. : 202195174936
Material : Si
Size : 20-80mm*thickness 1mm or According to customer needs
Density(g/cm3) : 2.4
Refractive Index : 3.42
Form : Black, round rod, square
Purity : 4N,5N
Application : Semiconductor devices, infrared optical devices, solar cell substrates, etc
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Monocrystalline Silicon Crystal

Crystal structure: cubic
Production method: Czochralski, floating zone
Crystal direction: < 100 >, < 110 >, < 111 >
Crystal orientation accuracy: < 2 °, < 1 °, < 0.5 ° or < 0.1 °
Polishing: single side polishing, double side polishing
Surface roughness: < 0.03 μ m
Melting point: 1409.85 ° C / 1683 ° K
Boiling point: 2354.85 ° C / 2628 ° K
Molar volume: 12.06 cm3
Thermal conductivity: 148 [300 K] wm-1k-1
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion: 4.2 x 10-6 K-1
Resistivity: > 1000 Ω cm
Magnetic susceptibility: - 1.8 x 10-9 (s) kg-1m3
Young's modulus: 113 GPA
Modulus of rigidity: 39.7 GPA
Bulk modulus: N.A. GPA
Poisson's ratio: 0.42 GPA

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