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Products > Optical Elements > Windows > Lithium Niobate
Lithium Niobate
Product name : Lithium Niobate
Product No. : 20234310277
Material : LiNbO3
Size : 3
Density(g/cm3) : 4.659 g/cm³
Refractive Index : n0=2.297
Form : White or Black
Purity : 
Application : Used as an optical waveguide material, or for making medium to low frequency acoustic surface filters, high-power high-temperature resistant ultrasonic transducers, etc.
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Cutting type: X/Z/Y41 °/Y64 °/Y128 °/YZ/YX or customizable
Curie temperature: 1142 ° C ± 3 ° C
Doping: Zn, MgO single or double doped
Surface treatment: single sided polishing/double sided polishing/single sided grinding/double sided grinding
Thickness: 0.18/0.25/0.35/0.50/1.00+mm
TTV: < 1~5µm
BOW: ± (25µm ~40um )
Warp: ≤35µm
LTV (5mmx5mm): <1.5 um
PLTV (<0.5um): ≥ 98% (5mm * 5mm) except for 2mm edge

Lithium niobate is an inorganic substance with the chemical formula LiNbO3. It is a negative crystal and ferroelectric crystal. After polarization treatment, lithium niobate crystal has multiple performance materials such as piezoelectric, ferroelectric, photoelectric, nonlinear optical, thermoelectric, and has photorefractive effects.
Lithium niobate crystal is one of the most widely used new inorganic materials. It is a good piezoelectric energy exchange material, ferroelectric material, and electro-optical material. As an electro-optical material, lithium niobate plays an optical modulation role in optical communication. Its single crystal is an important material for optical waveguides, mobile phones, piezoelectric sensors, optical modulators, and various other linear and nonlinear optical applications.

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